Monday, December 6, 2010


There are 6 types of major facial expressions:
Fig. 1
From top left: happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, disgust.
Fig. 2

The almond-shaped Amydala (fig. 2) in the brain is the first to respond to emotional events and it triggers a series of split second reactions within the brains emotional core. Wave of nerve impulses travel down the brain stem setting off an instantaneous visceral response throughout the body.


Detecting emotions

Facial muscles are cues to emotions, and feigned emotions are different from genuine ones. So if you're upset, the emotion of happiness you portray is a feigned emotion. For working adults, since majority of them communicate through technology, 'emoticons' (fig. 3) are used to show their emotions. But, of course, there's no way to see if it's real.
Fig. 3


Effects of Facial Expressions

Expressions amplify and regulate emotions and the expressions shown, such as smiling, can affect emotions, for instance, feeling happy. In short, facial expressions that is shown can affect how the person feels.


Interesting fact!
Females are...
  • more superior at reading emotional cues and detecting lies, and
  • more emotionally responsive, expressive and empathic
as compared to males.

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